Sunday, August 7, 2022



 One of the most cunning and cruel of satanic devices is to cause us to devalue whatever our Creator has deposited within us.  If we are unaware of our worth, we might be tempted, like Esau, to trade our future prospects for mere bowls of soup.  This truth calls to mind the tragic tale of the famous English poet, John Milton, who grossly undervalued his talent and worth.

 In April 1667, John Milton signed an agreement with Samuel Simmons, a London publisher, to sell the copyright of his book, “Paradise Lost,” one of the greatest classics in all of history, for a mere five pounds (just over six US dollars).  Also, Milton would receive an additional five pounds for the sale of each of three subsequent editions, an edition comprising 1,500 copies.  He received a second five pounds in April 1669, making a grand total of 10 pounds to the author of what is arguably England’s greatest epic.  After his death, Milton's widow Elizabeth sold all remaining rights for eight pounds to Simmons, who became the perpetual copyright owner.  One can scarcely imagine someone selling something of such great value for so little. 

 Lesson learned.  My friend, never sell yourself short – whether it’s your intellect, career, possessions, or character.  You are worth far more than you might imagine.

 Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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