Thursday, January 19, 2023



Years ago, I attended a dynamic corporate sales seminar, and the topic was “Be careful what you really want because you’ll surely get it.”  We learned that the human will is incredibly powerful and predictive.  Indeed, it is a truism that if we can see it, we can be it.  Therefore, it is of great importance that we exercise considerable discipline and control over what we ponder, wish, and speak.  Of course, appropriate action must follow.

Recently, I read the following comedic tale by an unknown author.  Although it’s fictional, it conveys an important truth.  Three men were marooned on a desert island. As the days slowly went by, they dreamed of what it would be like to be at home with their friends and family, to be back at their jobs doing the things they loved.

Eventually one of the men found a bottle that contained a genie. He opened the bottle and the genie announced that he would grant each of them one wish. One man immediately shouted, “Boy, I want to be back in Seattle with my wife and kids.” POOF--he was gone. The second man chimed in, “I want to be back in Portland with my fiancé,” and POOF--in a flash he was gone. 

The third man was left all alone sitting on the sandy beach. He said, “Boy, it really is lonely with my friends gone. I sure wish they were back here with me again.

And POOF…   😊

Hmmm…  Be careful what you really want because you’ll surely get it!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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