It’s a sound decision not to become a spendthrift. Saving for a rainy day is substantially good advice. However, anything can be done to an extreme.
For instance, one of America's most miserly millionaires was John G. Wendel, who died in 1915 at his home in New York City. Seeking to keep their inherited fortune in the family, Wendel and five of his six sisters remained unmarried. He instilled such frugality in his sisters that when the last one died in 1931, it was found that, although her estate amounted to more than $100 million, she never had a telephone, electricity, or an automobile. Her only dress was one she had made herself and worn for nearly 25 years. Wow!
In my view, it is wise and necessary to take a vacation, or plan a family outing, or go on an occasional shopping expedition. Moderation is the key. (Philippians 4:5) Just don’t overdo – but plan to be good to YOU.
Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!
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