Tuesday, January 24, 2023



On Friday, May 25, 1979, an amazing thing happened while I was an attendee at the COGIC International Women’s Convention held in Chicago, Illinois.  As a staff employee of Bishop H. Jenkins Bell, we were together promoting Presiding Bishop J. O. Patterson’s efforts to actualize the building of Saints Center.

I remember that amazing day like it occurred yesterday.  In the evening service, the presiding bishop was slated as the speaker.  In his opening remarks, he sadly announced that American Airlines Flight 191 (a DC-10 aircraft) had crashed on take-off and all 273 people aboard had lost their lives.  However, what he said next both astounded and delighted the convention congregation.  The second assistant presiding bishop, Bishop Junius Blake (the father of Presiding Bishop Charles Blake) had been scheduled to take that flight to Los Angeles, along with his wife.

While they were in the process of checking in, the Lord strongly impressed Bishop Blake not to board that flight.  And, against all common sense and logical reasoning, he went through the trouble and expense of changing to another departure time.  Our God is absolutely amazing!  The lives of these two believers were saved from that horrible airline crash because of the sovereignty of God and their sensitivity to hearing His voice. 

More to come tomorrow…regarding that same flight and other passengers who were similarly impacted.

God is sovereign!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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