I found the following 1980 USA statistics to be intriguing; perhaps you will also. On an average day, 1,169,863 people take a taxi, 176,810,950 eggs are laid, 63,288 cars crash, 28 postal carriers are bitten by dogs, 2 billion dollar bills are in circulation, industry generates 1 pound of waste for every person in our nation, 1.1 million people are in the hospital, the U.S. Postal Service sells 90 million stamps while handling 320 million pieces of mail and delivering 833,000 packages, 500 million cups of coffee are consumed, 80 million people listen to or ignore elevator music, 10,205 people give blood, $54,794 is spent to fight dandruff, bricklayers handle 22,741,000 bricks, amateurs take 19,178,000 snapshots, 9,077 babies are born, 5,962 couples wed, and every one of us produces nearly 6 pounds of garbage.
What’s the point here? There’s always more going on behind the scenes than we might imagine. First natural, then spiritual. It occurs to me that the same truth is applicable in our daily lives. GOD is always up to something…behind the scenes. So, my friend, no matter what appears to be going on at this moment, be encouraged and trust The Good Shepherd. (Psalm 23 – Proverbs 3:5-6)
Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!
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